I tried to use slayers evox with xenium ice and i cant get it to work. Im thinking its my bios. my bios is the new xenium os2. Or do i need another one? I need help plsss.
It has to come stock with the modified cromwell bios it can't come with the bios that allows you to run your own code (IE hacked bios) to do this you need to flash your modchip, you can do this by getting a jumpdrive (if you wanted) and using the usb port (that came with the xenium ice or should've) and then putting your bios on the jumpdrive and then going to launch menu and adding the new bios (I would use 256mb bios so you can have up to 4 other bios flashed) If you don't know about flashing or adding items in the os you need to go the team-xodus's site and read the manuals before going on. Degalle