Installing Windows XP Pro on dynamic volume

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by caucano, May 19, 2006.

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  1. caucano

    caucano Regular member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    I was able to convert two separate scsi drives from basic to dynamic drives. Currently I have 3 physical drives, 2 scsi and 1 ide. I'm running windows on the ide drive b/c its the largest; running Windows from this drive I converted the other two scsi drives to dynamic.

    I want to re-install windows on the two scsi dynamic drives set as RAID 0 or 'striped' as windows calls it. While running windows on my IDE drive I set the two scsi drives as a new striped volume, in effect joining them (they are the same size). Now, when I try to install windows on the new dynamic striped volume (by inplugging the IDE completely and booting from windows CD) windows tells me it does not recognize the volume! I know I can install windows if I use regurlar simple volumes, but I want to make them striped to increase speed given that my systems is kind of old.

    Do any of you know how to install windows xp on a striped dynamic volume? Also, can I install windows in the scsi drives while running windows on the IDE drive?
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