[bold]Hi all I,m having trouble installing m/soft office on another system, and am wondering where am going wrong and if it,s even possible.[/bold] Everythings set up fine on my pc, so assumed if i made an image of the files in prog files and burnt these to disk I'd have a working copy which could be installed on a second PC. Should mention its not exactly what you'd call a purchased item and if remember right b4 i started life as an ISO wannabe, this worked with most software, but i could be wrong. This is what happens when ya try n be flash n give your working PC to a mate and say something in the region of. "Its ok you have mine, i'm that good with PC's I'll just build another 1". If poss please help so i dont have to go back and say. "You know that PC i gave you, while i built you 1. Any chance of it back as it turns out I'm a bit of a plank." [bold]Edited to highlight the original question[/bold]
Well Matty_K as much as I would really like to help, you are asking for someone to aide and abet you in the piracy of copyright protected material which is a breach of the forum rules. I think that others in this community might be reluctant to offer advice for this reason. Sorry I can't be of more assistance. BTW you might draw the ire of the Mods for asking a question like this being a Junior Member.
making an image of what you had in the program files folder was a pretty dumb thing to do as it was never going to help you put the program on another computer. if you want to use it on another PC get the install disc
Excuse me? Am i to assume, Mr JamezBond 00ZZzzz license to send to sleep, that you are accusing me of obtaining this software through some sort of criminal means? Firstly I'd like to advise you that such statements are slanderous and secondly I suggest you re-read my thread. The software i had came pre-installed on my DELL Dimension package. I was merely trying to extend the usefulness of this software to a friend, and to gain some knoledge in the matter, but having had time to ponder.I would here-by like to withdraw my request, for the following reason. Hindsight is saomething i care not for as it usually stems from regret. I now see that to do such a thing would be moraly wrong. What could start as an innocent request, could grow into a global strain on Mr Gate's income, and with children to provide for & educate, a hole could soon develop in that estimated $48 Billion fortune of his, in what started as a simple request for help. My apologies to anyone I've offended, and you can rest assured that as soon as I'm finished writing this message. I shall ask a family member to assist my conscience by puinishing me with a swift kick in the testicles. However. This does not extend to double 0 ZZzzzz. Who seems to be attempting to make up for his lack of personality, by trying to demeen a fellow member due to his lack of knoledge on this particular subject.
@Matty I most certainly was not trying to sound self righteous, in fact I was trying to protect you from committing a faux pas here at AD. I thought that my post was a civil way to express my point, but obviously it was misconstrued. The facts however don't change and you confirmed what I alluded to by saying this: [bold]Quote I was merely trying to extend the usefulness of this software to a friend[/bold] I'm not trying to aggravate you so I do apologize if you take umbrage. I don't make the rules and I only pointed it out to you so that you would have seen it fit to alter your post so that no one ends giving you a whole lot of flack for something which you inadvertently did. You obviously had good intentions to help your friend but that still doesn't mean that the end justifies the means. I hope this clarifies it. I honestly don't want to perpetuate any hostility. BTW it was obvious that the easiest solution was to tell you to ask back for the disc so that didn't require any expertise whatsoever. As for the image, it would be legal and would work if you made an image of the HDD that the the Office 2003 came installed on and then restore it to the same PC if you needed to in case of a system failure. If you intended to use it on another PC then I will respectfully decline from giving advice to facilitate that. I also have a Dell with Office XP Pro installed on it so I can identify. Cheers mate.
Just like to say. If I've acted like an ass. Consider me put in my place. Points taken and absorbed. Once again apologies and this time JamezBond fully included. Sorry JB
A kick in the love zone? E gads! That's a tad harsh old boy!, perhaps a swift kick up ones' arse would suffice? Per chance! Not as painful, me thinks!
Matty met you at the local pub for a few later I think it's safe to assume that you're over the age of consent. If not then meet me at the nearest mall for a slushy/slurpy or even a yoohoo,. lol Btw I'm still cringing at that kick in the testicles bit....OUCH!!
if trying to copy office from the program files to put onto another computer, it won't work as the files are spread all over the place in windows when installed.
Since we're havng an academic conversation then here goes. Is it not possible to say create a partition of say 1GB and make it the active partition so it boots, then install any software(which will then disseminate files all over this partition), after which you then make an image of this partition and make a backup on a CD or DVD. If the same program which is used to make the image of this partition is also installed on another PC, is it not possible to "restore" the image from the removable media to this PC's HDD and end up with a working version of this program?. I recognise that there would be some unnecessary drivers, files, and unused space etc from the previous PC that would be loaded on the HDD of the 2nd PC. If it does work then it could be used repeatedlty with other programs with a partial formatting of the partition to erase unnecessary files. It's a theoretical question as in practise it is certainly quite cumbersome,unnecessary and probably impossible..
Save yourself the trouble and install OpenOffice..........it's free and every bit as good. http://www.sun.com/software/star/openoffice/ or http://download.openoffice.org/index.html
extending usefullness of software to a friend is just another way of saying making a pirated version to give to somebody else if your friend wants to experience the usefullness of office tell him/ her to buy it
@SypherTek I made the same point earlier and he has apologised to everyone. @AD Community I hope that his apology satisfies everyone and that he has been vindicated. I really would hate to see him unduly villanized. @Matty_K You started this thread so I will leave it to you to PM a Mod and kindly ask to have it closed, providing you are satisfied that there is no further benefit to have it open.