Hi, I'm new to this site but i have read all of the threads on Motorola v220 USB Cable but i can't seem to get anywhere. I am using Windows XP and I want to install the software to sync my mobile and PC. I already had a usb cable so I figured this would work, but after I had downloaded Handset Manager V8 and the Modem Setup (Driver) and tried sereval times to install the Modem, it just kept telling me to restart the system and execute the installation again. After doing this more than 5 times I gave up. The Handset Manager software installed with no problems. It just could not find the driver and told me to un-plug and re-plug the cable time after time. It was so frustrating. Then I found Afterdawn and after reading all the postings. I took the advice and tried downloading P2K and Mobile Phone Tools. But I was able to download the P2K but I couldn't unzip so i downloaded Winzip 8.1 and tried it with that. It was still unsuccessful and told me to download the file again. It still told me the same after I downloaded it again. And I still can't find the Mobile Phone Tools software anywhere. I keep getting directed to the spanish web-site, and I only got an F from my GCSE! So There's no chance of trying to decipher that. So, does anyone have some good news to tell me - that they can tell me exactly what to do and how. I wanted to have Microsoft Outlook for my calendar and contacts, I don't even know if that is on the MPT software. Can anyone help me? My comuter is full of downloads of programmes that I can't use and I've been trying for days now. I'm getting quite pissed off. Thanks to anyone who can help.