Lower the audio channels of the vocals, this can be done with software like adobe audition, however this is the wrong forum to ask this qeustion, I'll see if a mod can move it.
Hmmmm not sure what would do it.......since vocals are mostly in the center then some program to remove common signals to both channels......some sort of kararoke software
http://www.acoustica.com/mixcraft/tutorial/how_to_remove_vocals_from_a_song.htm Thats all you need, not hard at all
thanks for the link but they are now charging money and i don't have a paypal account or a credit card. what do i do??
http://www.cdrfaq.org/faq03.html#S3-2-1 This should help. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ This should help also. Good luck.
@ undine can you just five me a tutorial as to how extract the instrument. i just want to know about extracting sounds. the gold wave looks too complex for me! a tutorial for audacity would be nice!
See if this helps.http://audacityteam.org/manual/index.php?title=FAQ#Can_I_remove_the_vocals_from_a_recording.3F