What is better out of Intel P4 or AMD. I think i know the answer but i just want to see other peoples opinions.
Now that is a tough question AMD vs P4 i think this is one for the Praetor as he loves these sort of questions.Me i prefer AMD as i think you get value for money.Is it a better processor to be honest i do not really know.
Depends on your needs... you want a workhorse, go with a top end P4. You want a gamein mo fo go with the amd. AMD has basically no FSB, the processor is almost directly linked to the ram its 1600 mhz, that would be the equilivant of its fsb speed. P4's however only have an 800 mhz fsb. I would go with amds personally as even though the more expensive p4's outperform the newer amds its only by a little bit and the amds are better gaming chips
For small time users, Opteron setups are much more efficient (small defined as <=8CPUs). For the bigger setups, Xeons are and have been the way to go. It is directly linked (and at 2Ghz now with the newer spec). Now unless you're comparing between classes of chips that not exactly true. Typically the Athlon64 chips (i'm assuming you're talking about them as opposed to the A32 chips) will match and/or beat the P4s simply because of a more efficient design. Of course P4s are not without their benifits ... end result? Class for class, they are about on par and typically the P4s are cheaper than Athlon64s.
Besides which has more power, another thing to look at is the ease of installation. In this the P4 wins hands down. To put the heatsink on you just put it in place and flip a couple levers. On the AMD chips you really have to use some force. A guy at work had his screwdriver slip and scratch some traces on his motherboard while trying to use the required force to put the heatsink on an AMD chip. A friend that works in a shop where he has built hundreds also agrees with that. He says beware the Crunch of Death on AMD chips, where you are putting so much force on them while installing the heatsink that it cracks the CPU core. My opinion is that both are good. It's like comparing Nvidia vs ATI, one does a gazillion FPS, the other does a gazillion and one. Both are fine for 99.9% of anything you will do.
LOL true... but dont forget that its not something you do every day ... cant say ive ever encountered the crunch of death tho
Thanks for that both you guys. I wanted to know because alot of people on this site have AMD (of what i have read) and i was starting to think that they were better cause i always thought that the Intel P4 would win hands down.
http://www.trustedreviews.com/article.aspx?art=357 An article on the AMD 64, it also mentions the "Crunch of Death", even using that same phrase.