Hey there, For the last couple of months i've been having an issue with the netgear firewall blocking me from viewing sites, even my college website, here is the kicker though, ive uninstalled the software, i no longer use a router, and a few weeks ago i had to wipe my HD and reinstall windows and all that jazz. However apperently netgear firewall lives on in some un-named portion of my pc, i've assumed its made itself at home in my NIC. anyway i contacted netgear a few times and they of course were 0 help, and it's become very annoying recently, i would have thought that reformatting my drive would have driven it to extinction but i guess not, i havent started networking at school yet so i wasnt too sure about this, any idea's will be most helpfull. using a Intel(r) PRO/100 VE Network Connection, no modem, no router connect VIA residential LAN they've also reset my connection several times Thanks in advance!