I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask this but I think I am because of all the other NES/GBA/etc. ones. Now I have seen some but I want somethin that will run roms but in a window and not full screen. Thanks.
You might want to give IntvDOS and IntvWIN a try. You can find those here as well as a nice selection of other emulators and roms.
Thanks, I'll look at those tomarrow(er, today). Right now its nighty night time.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Hey, thanks for that link 8chaos. FYI, you can get Intellivision ROMs at http://www.romnation.net/srv/roms/intellivision/l.html
Wierdname, I'm the author of Nostalgia, an Intellivision emulator. It's the most full-featured of the existing emulators (as far as I know!). It's got Intellivoice, ECS, emulates the keyboard, can take video and audio captures and more. The current released version, 4.2, is fullscreen only. However the beta that I'm working on now is both windowed and fullscreen. If you're interested in trying it out, you can join the beta tester's mailing list. Link to the group's homepage -Joe
No offence but I didnt really like that program. I kinda tripped out my desktop because I currently run with a 1152x864 resolution and I have it themed. So when I quit out it left my desktop looking weird. I fixed it though so no damage done. I would just prefer a window. I'll look into that beta thing though.
No offense taken - this problem is exactly why it's gone into beta development. The version you used was written in DirectDraw. The video system was coded almost 6 years ago. The new versions have had the video system completely torn out and are now using the latest DirectX code and should play much more nicely with your operating system, even if you do run it fullscreen. Though it comes up windowed by default. -Joe
Ya, for something like that, I prefer the full sized window. I usually have several programs running at once and to switch over to one, I hate having to do Ctrl+Alt+Del then go over to the program and what not. Its just easier when I can just minimize or shrink.
I've been using Bliss and although it's rather tricky to set up and it's got a bad keyboard input setup - it supposedly supports re-assignable keys, but it really doesn't - it's decent. I bought Intellivision's Greatest Hits which came with an emulator that was decent enough, but I can't find the disc at the moment. I do believe the INT-based cartridges will all work with it. I have had no luck with Nostalgia or Intvwin. Nostalgia seems to have only a few cartridges hardwired in - maybe I was just using a weird or old version - and Intvwin just plain doesn't work. Maybe I'll give them another try when I have the time.
What do you mean by "hardwired in"? No emulator comes with Roms included since they're all copyrighted. Nostalgia supports every single rom that was ever released, but you have to supply them, including the original exec.bin and grom.bin binaries that were inside the original Intellivision - Mattel/Blue Sky Rangers still owns the copyright on these. Nostalgia does come with a handful of homebrewed games for which I've received permission from their authors to distribute them. -Joe
Actually, the emulator on the official intellivision website does come with some built in. But thats because thats all it can play. EDIT- fixed quote code
Ah, that's because they own the copyright Those game packs are teasers so you buy their Intellivision Lives! product. Owning the copyright, they can do whatever they want. The rest of us cannot, unfortunately. I would have to pay some sort of royalty to distribute the roms, and since I give Nostalgia away... I believe their emulator is INTVWin- or INTVDos -based, but I could be wrong. -Joe
Is there some kind of naming convention that has to be used? I tried putting the Dreadnaught Factor into the ROMS directory, with a .bin extension, and Nostalgia does not recognize it. I know Bliss, like most emulators, needs have a very specific filename in order to recognize the game: it needed the bin extension and also had to have the filemame in lowercase, and exactly according to the name Bliss has in it's database (specifically, the working file is now named "Dreadnaught Factor, The.bin" The original name as I got it was "Dreadnaught Factor, The (1983)(Activision).int" Unfortunately, the developer of Bliss never bothered to mention this; it's only because I've developed emulators that I know this. Otherwise I'd still be banging my head against the monitor... BTW, I do have exec.bin and grom.bin, as well as ivoice.bin and ecs.bin in the Nostalgia directory.
Dunker, I thought Bliss worked similarly to Nostalgia - I know it's picky about what you name exec.bin and grom.bun, but I thought the games didn't matter. Anyway, Nostalgia doesn't care what the file is named - it calculates the CRC of the file and compares it to its internal database. If you're using version 4 or later you will have to make sure Nostalgia re-scans your rom directory when you put the new file in. It should do it automatcially, but I've seen weird cases where it doesn't. You should also verify that Nostalgia is looking for roms in the directory you think it is. I'd rather take tech support questions to private email or the Nostalgia mailing list - it's not right to clutter up this board with my junk If you have more questions feel free to contact me at joefish75 at hotmail dot com, or join the Nostalgia mailing list here: Nostalgia Yahoo group. If you join the mailing list you get the added benefit of trying the latest 5.0 beta versions. -Joe
Shinyguy, I know thats why. I was just mentioning that there is that little emulator that does come with that (crappy) rom pack. Its only 3 little games and you cant use the emulator to launch others. And ya, its understandable you cant distribute the roms. If you dont own the copyright, you really shouldnt anyways. But I think its cool you just make this little emulator and give it out free of charge How long does it take to make it anyways? I mean, how much time do you spend making it, fixing bugs, and adding features?
Thanks! I do it for the love of the game, ya know? I really enjoy coding, and the Intellivision holds a special place in my heart I've also gotten to meet a ton of great people through the project. A godawful amount of time Nostalgia has been in active development for at least 6 years and when I have the bug to work on it I'll spend 2-8 hours a day coding. There's over 25,000 lines of code that I wrote by myself. But like I said, I enjoy it. -Joe
Ya, I am kinda interested in C++ but dont know if they offer it at my college. Plus, I forgot to check today while I was there :| But, ya, props for the job. Nice work.