I am using this program on HP Media Center. I am trying to put my VHS on to DVD+RW. I have had nothing but problems. Many many calls to HP support, not much help. I finally got my movie, 30 hours of work, to load to the hard drive. Movie is 124 min long, and properties says it is 7.8 gig. I tried to burn to DVD, using a low quality format. Error message says I have over 100 chapters, so it wont burn. I am a newbie, what is a chapter? Is that ever time I split a clip? How do I eliminate enough chapters, easily, to make it burn? I would like to keep all of these clips on one DVD. I have many more Questions, but Ill be happy if I can get this problem solved. Thanks....Larry
Wow....nobody is answering this. Chapters are added or deleted in the author button of intervideo windvd creator. Just right click on your image to add or delete a chapter. 50 chapters are the max. Hope this helps. Vlasor