Interference on recording?

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by aerofish, May 22, 2005.

  1. aerofish

    aerofish Guest

    Hello, this is my first post so be gentle!
    I have a Sony DCRTRV320 Digi8 camera. I recorded a rock concert last night and when i have come to look at it today it is unwatchable, audio gliches every few seconds and picture also. The recording was on 3 tapes and they are all the same. I have played back an old tape and it is fine and have done a small test recording on the end of one of the tapes and thats fine (so i guess not the tape)Is it possible for it to have been some sort of interference in the hall??? Any ideas or help on this woulod be good as i would like to know what has caused this to avoid it again.

    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    What you describe is typically something that happens for two reasons:
    1. An inbalance in the drum.
    2. Dirt
    Take your camera to a repair station asap.

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