I don't want to write to DVD or CD, just read DVD-Video and CDs (music and ROM) from one internal 5 1/4 inch drive. Can anyone tell me if such a drive exists?
My ND-5700A drive reads CDROMs fine, but crashes the computer if I try to play a DVD Video (film). On looking at various suppliers adverts, I notice that some players claim to play DVD-Video as well as CDROMs and DVD ROMs, but others only specify CDROMs and DVD ROMs, but not video (films). So I presumed that there was a difference, and mine would be one that did not play films. Am I wrong?
Nope, you still need a DVD-ROM to read the DVD to the HD. You are in fact looking for a DVD-ROM - it will Play CD's and DVD's but will not write to either. cheers, Pete
Nope, you still need a DVD-ROM to read the DVD to the HD. You are in fact looking for a DVD-ROM - it will Play CD's and DVD's but will not write to either. cheers, Pete
yeah, but he still needs dvd player software with the mpeg2 codec. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]V9 PS2, flip top, SMD, DVDLoader Pioneer 107, Memorex 4X DVD-R, ritek g04 DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter, Nero[/small]
DVD is actually MPEG-2 but tmule4, a DVD ROM drive should have no problem playing back DVD Video, basically because DVD Video is just a bunch of DVD Files on a DVD, It's Data too. Ye there might be minor differences but nothing big enuff to stop them from playing completely!
Thanks, Dela - assuming my NEC ND-5700A DVD ROM player will play video DVD's, as you suggest, do I need some other software to allow my Media Player 9 to play it (as sly_61019 says earlier in this thread)? tmule4
You should have actually gotten some form of DVD Player Software with the DVD ROM drive! If you didnt, you should install something like WinDVD, as this will install the codecs u need to playback a DVD!
Dela - yes, I got WIN DVD with my compuyer, and yes, it plays commercial DVD's OK - I just tried one. Problem is, it won't play the DVD-R video I made with Nero6 from a holiday camcorder film, although this video plays fine on my commercial stand-alone player. I have a feeling this problem has been aired plenty of times on Afterdawn, so I just have to locate the correct thread and follow it up. Many thanks for your help. tmule4