Hi, thanks in advance for any help. Heres my problem, I have a 6mb upgraded DSL connection from SBC yahoo. On some days it would run fine, on somedays it would run like a 56k connection. It never did this until about 3 months ago. I would test it with and without a router. I reseted my dsl modem, upgraded firmware, checked for filters in the house, changed dsl wires(cat-5), checked for virus/spyware/adware/malware etc. On bad days, I would run a speedtest and it would only get up to around 400kb/s Download and 400 kb/s upload. Good days I would get 5800kb/s with about the same upload. Differnt Download speed but same Upload. Hmm... I called my ISP and they are really lagging on getting someone to take a look at the land line. Could it be that many people are on now and days then usual? Do you think it might be my dsl modem? I read some other forums and they said it could even be my hardrive. But everything is fine no bad sectors or anything. Again thanks in advance.
Oh yeah I been calling them, its been 3 months now. I just ran a test and now the test wont even go past 100kb/s or wont even work. Its a good price for me, that why I didnt switch over to other companies like High speed cable or something. I really need some help, Im a online gamer so...you know how it is. hahah.