hi there folks,hope somebody can help me or steer me in the right direction. when i'm on a web site and choose to use a link,my computer opens a new window in which to display it but nothing appears. the little windows flag in the top right hnd corner moves around,but no matter how long i leave it ,the link i wanted will not appear. this has only happened to me in the last week or so,and never before. thanking you in advance for your assistance.
Is it a specific website or in general? if it's just a website then the site could be, probably is down. Lethal
hi lethal b,its the majority of web-sites but not all. its only started occurring over the last few weeks. for instance if i visit the pcworld website some of its links will work while others just bring up the blank screen with the microsoft banner waving in the corner,but if i visit amazon.co.uk it'll bring up everything.or for instance i tried to click on the links on the bottom of your reply but alas nothing. could i have deleted something i shouldn't have?. thanx for the reply and sorry about the delay in replying to you but i think its the time difference between the states and northern ireland.