Internet Explorer missing address bar!!!! Help!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Shinraboy, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. Shinraboy

    Shinraboy Regular member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    I already right clicked on the task bar to put the address bar, but it says its already there. I have service pack 2, Internet Explorer 6, the address bar went missing when i uninstalled bear share. I tried other web browsers but i like IE 6 the best! Or can someone recommend an internet brower WITHOUT tabs.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2005
  2. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Have you tried UNLOCKING the toolbar.. then placing your cursor on the bottom edge where it will change to a double arrow.... clicking and dragging it down.. ?? You may find your address bar !!
  3. ppcman

    ppcman Guest

    In my browser i have a problem where the words dont represent what's there, try clicking whatever else is off. Ive gotten use to it.
  4. Shinraboy

    Shinraboy Regular member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Nevermind, i got it. I just made a new user and transfered all my documents over and deleted the other user. it works now. Thanks though!

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