im not sure if this is the right place to post this. but lately i have noticed my internet has been running very slow. so i went and checked at and it sauid my internet wa running at 1.1 mbs and that is very very slow for my internet connection. usaully i run at 6.8 to 8.1 mbs my averrage download is at 137 and im usallu at 823kbs. does anyone knwo how i would fix this. i already reset my moded and router that didn't help. thx in advacne
well i tryed all those and no luck. so im just goin to call up my cable ompany and have them fix it. its probaly somethin with the hardwre and somethin
well i called them and they brought through al the bull Shyte stuff they say "o its working and just reset yiour modem router and computer. and i did that so that didn't work. so i thought it was funny is when then sent me to software and they reset my modem from the company it worked