k well my problem is that i cannot connect to internet explorer or sidebar gadgets that require internet, but i can receive emails and download on bittorrent, if i plug straight from the modem everything works fine or if i use the router and switch users. if i use internet explorer dianose problem it says everything is fine. all my other computer connect without problems and i also tried to change router and nothing any ideas
Try your firewall settings. I just installed my wireless adapter and it didn't occur to me then, that ******* norton was reponsible for blocking it...lol Worth a try?
"my problem is that i cannot connect to internet explorer or sidebar gadgets that require internet, but i can receive emails" Ok, first question is how are you getting email with no internet? impossible... Next,why in the world are you using internet explorer? join the rest of the world and get firefox.. and you have a router....ok....is it set to DHCP? does your computer have a static ip number? need more info...
i tried shutting off the firewall and bit deffender and i can connect to the internet but internet explorer doesn't work or sidebars gadets such as weather and others also if i switch users it will all work fine or if i plug stright into mdoem and its not a router problem
so i dont know what happened but i checked all my settings then i noticed that my sidebar gadets had internet so now everything is working fine thanks for everything