im trying to logon to the guild wars servers so i can play guild wars factions, but it keeps coming up error. something to do with an internet routing issue. does anyone know whats wrong? i think it may be something to do with the port im using, as i dont think its open & accepting connections. is there a way to find out what ports are open? please help as im really unhappy.. this is just a fresh install of windows xp home & dont know what could be wrong with it. any help or advice is welcome. thanks, its appreciated
Read all insturctions before doing them. Well, if your using a router, go to start, run, cmd, ipconfig/all. Then in your browser type in the default gateway. You should get a box asking you to enter a login and password, if you have,'t set one up just type in admin for both. Now you should be in your routers settings. navigate your way to a place that would look like a place to allow ports. Depending on the port you want to accept, type in about 10 ports before it and 10 ports after it. Type in the end of you defalt gateway were it might say 192.168.1.___ Then press enable. You should be happily playing your game now.
ok i did that, but dont see anything about ports.. under the log this is what it says:- SAT OCT 07 19:44:59 2006 Error (4) Download attempted for Incompatible HW - No Image upgrade per... SAT OCT 07 19:44:59 2006 Notice (6) SW Download INIT - Via Config file cm-4096-384 THU SEP 21 23:48:20 2006 Critical (3) DHCP FAILED - Discover sent, no offer received THU SEP 21 23:48:07 2006 Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out THU SEP 21 23:48:01 2006 Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire FEC f... THU SEP 21 23:47:44 2006 Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/Q... THU SEP 21 23:45:42 2006 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Un... THU SEP 21 23:45:14 2006 Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC S... THU SEP 21 18:58:07 2006 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ... THU SEP 07 05:19:13 2006 Critical (3) Init RANGING Critical Ranging Request Retries exhausted WED AUG 16 04:42:44 2006 Critical (3) REG RSP not received Time Not Established Critical (3) Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - Re- initializing MAC Time Not Established Critical (3) DHCP FAILED - Request sent, No response Time Not Established Critical (3) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response
Are you sure that whatever firewall you ahev is not blocking the game from accessing the internet, also, what router are you using.
im using bidefender internet security 9 & the firewall is set up to allow access for guild wars.. im not sure what you mean by router. if you mean modem, im using scientific atlanta - webstar & when i type in into the browser it doesnt ask for a password or user name, it just takes me right into where there are 5 different coloured circles, where 1 is for, signal, 1 for log, etc.... any ideas? thanks
Well, since you don't know what a router is, your not useing one. WWhere did you get the installation from, what connection do you have, and have you been banned?
hi, installation for what? guild wars? if so, i bought it from my local game store, i have a 4meg connection & no i havent been banned... any help is appreciated thanks
4 meg, do you mean megabites, yes or no dial-up, dsl, and cable modem are the ones I'm familiar with.
hi, sorry it took so long to reply as i wasnt getting any internet at all.. not even msn. yes i mean 4 megabyte bandwith & its a cable modem i have... i just turned the pc on this morning & i have everything looks ok so far.. thanks
Do you have privicy service or something like that, what firewall are you using, and check if you have the right driver for the ethernet card your using, or are you pluged in via usb?
hi, sorry it took so long to reply, as i had no internet there & its just came back on its own.. im using the thernet port on the back of my pc. i dont know what youmean by privacy service, but im using zonealarm pro.. thanks