I have been reading a lot of posts in this forum regarding CD-R quality and decided to test some of my own out using the "CD Quality Test" built into Nero 6 (Atually it is in the "CD-DVD Speed" program bundled with Nero 6). It runs through the whole CD and spits out a graph, C1 Errors, C2 Errors and some other information. I am new to testing CD-R's and would like to know how to interpret this graph and C1/C2 Error information. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, C1 errors are usually present and aren't really a big concern if the numbers are low since most players automatically handle them. C2 errors on the other hand aren't a good thing and the less you have the better. I usually burn my CDRs at 24X and with good media I get a few C1's and no C2's.
100% of all recorded media have some C1 errors but as long as they are limited in number they won't affect your listining pleasure. Most nodern players can cope with and correct up to about four C2 errors but C2 errors are the ones you really don't want.
I'm still getting used to the P1/P0 test with my Plextor that are not unlike this one. In this case it's the P0 errors that you need to worry about. I've been burning the Ridata/Ritek/Ricoh DVD+R 4X at 8X with 9 P1 errors and on P0 errors.
Thank you all for your help. I did notice some C2 errors on some of my older/cheap discs (most were CMC). I have since picked up FUJI's (T.Y.) which seem to have great results and test very well too. Anyone have any further info on the graph that CD-DVD Speed produces? I find it hard to interpret as there are 2 labels on the Y-axis (one for speed and another for ???). If anyone has a link to some page on Nero's site that helps with this I'd appreciate it. I nosed around there for a while and came out emptyhanded. Cheers!