Has anyone tried this?!? Just wondering if it comes close to CCE or DVD Shrink http://www.softlandmark.com/InterVideoDVDCopy.htm
DVDRB/CCE better. Considering DVDshrink is free & the quality of the product is (now) excellent, I see no reason why anyone would want to purchase transcoding software..at all...period!
Very true...I just tried IVDP this morning, and while it's at least 3 times faster than DS 3.2, the quality is light years behind the competition. At least the white blocks issue has disappeared.
the only problem I have with DVDCopy is that my computer can/will not read the DVD after copying to dvd.
the only problem I have with DVDCopy is that my computer can/will not read the DVD after copying to dvd. Did not have that problem with DVDCopy 1
I gave up on it shortly after posting my last msg. I'm using DS 3.2; it's free and I'm not willing to pay to use CCE...