I've put the internship description at the bottom. I've already done a phone interview, and tomorrow I'm going in to meet with the "Employment Specialist" and the Network Administrator. I already have several relationships with people that are well versed and can coach me on interviews. I'm pretty experienced in general I.T. stuff, Office, Hardware and networks, plus a couple years college education. I was wondering if anyone had some more direct I.T. interview tips? Some good vocab words that I might not think of. Things to say about myself that might paint me in a better light than just some lame bragging.
I am currently schooling for Network Admin. The school gets many requests for students to interview and fill positions for jobs in the area. My instructor said that one thing they always ask in an interview is if you can subnet the network. Even go as far as give you pencil and paper and give a little test on the spot. I've not been interviewed for positions like this, just passing along what I was told.