Seeing as this site run by lads across the water in Iceland and it's european, why not set the forum time at the UK time.
Better yet,have a way like mosts site i belong to is to be able to set the time zone in ye that the correct time show up on the site.. CHECK THE TIME ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD CLICK HERE
Most of the forum users are American, and so it is probably in the best interests of the owners to suit the majoritive audience -- but I may be wrong.
UK_Gamer, being this site is based in finland not iceland & is also at least 1hr ahead of the uk in time wise than why use uk time as the basis point. also it is possible the time is corrected to the viewer's point of view in that your post might be done at 8:30am your time but shows 13:30 est for the eastern north america.
i'm in UK and i stopped trying to figure out the time difference quite some time ago. i sometimes compare the time difference when i make a reply so that helps me remember the difference sometimes
Server time has been discussed in detail in the past and we use EDT/EST timezone, same that we've used since 1999 as our first servers were located in New York City. EDT/EST is 5 hours behind British time, BUT during the spring (right this very week), the complication kicks in, as European Union as a whole moves to summer time week before the U.S. does, so the time difference grows, for one week only, to 6 hours between our servers and the UK time. GMT itself, or should I say UTC, as its nowadays called, doesn't have summertime at all, so Britons are off GMT most time of the year (from March until late October). The whole situation is actually even more complicated on our Finnish site as it uses the same EDT/EST time zone, but as Finland has only one time zone and people are used to the fact that Finnish sites they use are always set to Finnish time (EET, EEST, UTC+2/3).. Anyway, on our long list of forum improvements, we have plans to make it customizable for each user how the times are shown. The daylight saving makes one major complication to the issue (as some areas in the world don't use daylight savings at all) and another issue is caused by some countries who use half an hour differences instead of the usual 1h slots. But, as always, don't hold your breath waiting for it.