Welcome to AD. Your post has however left me pondering whether you're truly a fan of Sergio Mendes or you're advertising for Universal. See, most people who like the music of an artiste will go nuts about some songs or even the entire album but rarely if ever does anyone say "hey you know what, if it wasn't for Virgin, Arista, etc I'd never have fallen in love with whosoever the artiste is and their music. I'll assume you mean well for now (even though my spammer radar is flashing all kinds of red right now which means you're prolly a "Universal Intern") but on the odd chance that you're trolling for Universal, then I suggest you have a look at the forum rules.
Quote; "Universal has made me a new fan of Sergio's music." When was the last time ANYONE said that of a music company? It's like saying "Sony BMG made me a fan of Coldplay", most people like Coldplay because of the music, NOT the company. [bold]If this isn't pimping, I do not know what is. You lot at Universal must think that the public are a complete bunch of dumbasses if you think we cannot see through this cynical marketing ploy! And don't insult my intelligence by saying the opposite. Geez, how low do they have to go! Insult the punters, nah, don't think so![/bold]