Intrusive Internet

Discussion in 'Windows 10 forum' started by karenishere, May 12, 2016.

  1. karenishere

    karenishere Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    I just got a little netbook with windows 10 installed on it. Cute as a button. My issue is that when I restart it, it wants me to connect to the internet before I do anything at all, and then enter my 4 digit pin. The intention was to use this in a place without internet access - yes, they still exist. I am ok about having password protection (although I'm also ok with not having it) but I most surely can't be going online every time I want to access my desktop. I'm currently doing a factory reboot and starting over, any suggestions for the second time around?
  2. mahlemuts

    mahlemuts Member

    May 13, 2016
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    Might be WiFi sense in windows 10, go to settings then network and disable everything. Seems MS is trying to get you online at the first sign of a signal. There's a few windows 10 tools that removes all the nasty MS bloat and makes windows a better experience.

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