Teying to backup a DVD Shrink gave the following error and stopped Invalid UDF filesystem What does it mean and how do u get around it?
Not much you can do but clean the disc and try uploading the files to your HD first and then using DVD Shrink. You might find that the disc is still unrippable - this happens ocassionally I'm afraid.
I tried running Decrypt it ran OK but slowed up and stopped half way through. I tried cleaning the disk but same same. I tried reauthoring on Shrink using just the movie file itself, it didnt come up with the unknown UDF bit but on the video preview as it decryted it stopped on the final titles about 3 secs from the end. I dont know if there is a way to overcome that. If the file was completly decryted I could end the movie a few secs early but cant get that far.
Have you tried just uploading the files to your HD the simple way (not using decrypter). If you can get the files on the HD DVD Shrink should then be able to complete its job.
Here's what worked for me. First I used DVD Decrypter to copy all the files on the DVD to my hard drive. (You need quite a bit of space to do this.) Then I opened DVD Shrink and selected "Open Files" instead of Open Disk. I selected the directory where the decrypted files were and proceeded with my backup as usual.