iphone 3g on tmobile

Discussion in 'iPhone - Unlocking and hacking' started by shinobi4, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. shinobi4

    shinobi4 Member

    Dec 26, 2009
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    My sister has T Mobile service and would like to get iphone 3g to use with her service. The cheapest way to get the iphone 3g is to buy thru apple or at&t, which is only $99 now for the 8gb. However if you go thru Apple or AT&T, you will need to buy the phone w. a contract. What is the work around for this? I currently do have a 3g w. at&t service, its been jailbroken. What if I just gave my 3g to my sister, could i just insert her tmobile simcard in my phone would this work? I then would just try to go to Apple and get a new iphone for myself and have them transfer my account/phone number to the new phone. So the ultimate goal is we both want a 3g, me on my at&t service and my sister on tmobile. What is the best solution.
  2. Awwtish

    Awwtish Member

    Nov 8, 2006
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    Yeah theres a way around it, have you heard of Jailbreak and unlock..? I have a iPhone on Tmo, just unlock it and install 3.1 OS, and jailbreak is up to you. That just makes it easier to customize it..
  3. tibye28

    tibye28 Guest


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