Iphone calling itself

Discussion in 'iPhone - Unlocking and hacking' started by ragingdwg, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. ragingdwg

    ragingdwg Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    Ok guys,

    I got a good for you all to ponder about.

    So on Thanksgiving Day at like 2am, I get a phone call on my jailbroken Iphone on tmobile from a number alleging to be "my home," which is the number of the house I am sleeping in. I didn't think anything of it and went back to sleep. Next day, in the afternoon, I get a phone call to my house number alleging to be coming from my cell phone number. After freaking out a bit, I called my ISP and while on the phone with them my Iphone basically called itself, displaying my cell phone on the caller id. Tmobile does not know anything, and ISP said no forwarding or other features seem to be turned on.

    Anyone have any suggestions, comments, or anything else? Anyone heard of spoofid, am I being prank called?

    Thanks for future comments.
  2. voltron

    voltron Member

    Jun 22, 2003
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    Could be someone pulling a prank. there are apps in cydia like bluff my call, and caller id faker that can make calls to any number and have what ever number they wanted show up as the caller id

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