I was thinkin' about getting a 30gb iPod Video for Christmas but if this is real it might just sway my decision. http://www.ipodhacks.com/article.php?sid=2065 Looks interesting.
Apple hasnt reasleased anything offical on this, and it is comeing from a site called "ipodhacks"... Besides do you really want your phone and ipod combined? First version of iphone that comes out will probaly be lame. Just use a regular cell... and get the 30g
I realize that it is on iPod Hacks but I only showed you guys that because it was the clearest picture I have found. I saw it on many other sites too.
I peronally think that it will come out, but i dont see how the combination of the two can be that great. Personaly i am just enjoying my 60g ipod video in one pocket, walet in another, and cell phone in one of remaining two.
Check this out then if you dont like the fact that it is on iPodhacks.com http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/topnews/wpn-60-20061201TheMythTheLegendTheiPhone.html I dunno how realiable webpronenews is either.
I have a feeling it will come out. The question is when! I feel that iPod hacks is a prety legit site. My geuss is if it comes out it will be on April first. Just because that is Apples Birthday