Ipod 3rd gen

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by PYF, May 21, 2007.

  1. PYF

    PYF Member

    May 14, 2007
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    I got a 3rd generation ipod yesterday completely brand new however ive noticed that when i shake it it makes a rattling noise. What is it and how can i fix it? Should i go back to the apple store to get a new one or is this normal? I think it might be the hard drive motor but im not sure.

    And i would love to hear some tips on how to prevent my ipod having hard drive damage.

    Many Thanx
  2. jazo132

    jazo132 Guest

    Most iPods make rattle a little and make a little noise sometimes, but if it's doing it alot, you should probably have it looked at.

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