I finally went iPod recently, but my initial euphoria at having hundreds of my CDs in iTunes and iPod have disappeared. My feeling is that this technology is very weak and full of problems that give users massive headaches and hours and hours of time-consuming work to organize their music. My problems include: 1. Lost my firs library entirely, after loading around 10GB into it. How many wasted hours there? 2. Tracks and albums suddenly disappear from the menu list. They are usually are still in the library folder, so I can re-add, but it's like pushing down air bubbles in wallpaper. 3. Sometimes the tracks or albums are NOT in the library folder any more, and I have to resort to my back up external HDD. 4. After spending almost the entire day on my last re-organize session, I now find my menu list has 23GB, but my main library (correctly) has 35GB! Thanks Apple - more bleary-eyed hours ahead for me to sort and re-add. 5. I cannot add more songs to my iPod, since it freezes every time I connect to the PC, to iTunes. Reading the forum, I see this is a horribly common problem. What's the point of me paying out for an 80GB iPod when it can't seem to handle the 30-odd GB it has just now. I'm stuck with it now, but I won't go for the hype next time around and will shop around for a much more reliable Mp3 player next time, and definitely steer well clear of Apple crap.
my ipod froze and stuffed up when i used to connect it but it turns out they are incompatible with one of the two types of usb card u want a "via" type card, once i changed to that my ipod updates songs at about 1 per 2-3 seconds itunes shouldn't just randomly drop music out of your list, ive never had that problem, unless your adding it incorrectly file - add file/folder is the way to go.
lol yeah, I know what you mean. i hate iTunes and iPod sometimes. for the freezing iPod upon connection, maybe you have to update your iPod?