Hello, I have an Ipod, and I want to transfer the music that is on my Ipod to my computer at work. Is there a way to just hook up the Ipod and download it to my computer? Thanks!!
yes with the usb cable or firewire. you may need to install it though. why not just copy them from your ipod to cd or dvd if you have vast amounts?
i am not 100% sure but there is a program that modified your itune so when you connect your ipod itune will allows you to copy files accross
hey thanks for the responses. I would put it to a CD or DVD or my hard drive but there doesn't seam to be an easy way to transfer music off the Ipod. Songs going too the Ipod is simple. But off?? I have a feeling they don't want you to do that.
i am not sure about ipod because i don't have one but i have ishuffle and i can access all the file inside it. www.versiontracker.com try it they might have some software that extract the music files
The first response would work if you asked to transfer music from your pc to the iPod, but your question relates to transferring from you iPod to your PC if I understand you correctly. There are a variety of applications that you do this. iTunes is not one of them. I would recommend downloading the free trial version of Anapod (see google or ipodlounge.com). Anapod makes the iPod act like just another drive on the computer, you cut and paste or drag and drop the way you would on any drive. It also has lots of other great features; however, lots of programs would accomplish your objective, this is just the best one IMO. btberger