Ipod Mini + Battery

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by dm_tx, Oct 20, 2005.

  1. dm_tx

    dm_tx Member

    Oct 20, 2005
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    I purchased an Ipod Mini about 7 months ago, and I returned from a road trip and found that my battery only last about 4.5 hours. I know that the ads state 8 hours and I do not expect this time, but is 4.5 hours an indication of a batt. issue?

  2. noknot

    noknot Member

    Feb 15, 2003
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    I also bought a 4g mini HP a couple of months ago. Under normal use the battery does seem to go down quickly. I don't think I get more than 4-5 hours out of it. However, I did test it out and found tha just letting it play constantly it did run for almost 8 hours and had one little tick left on the battery. A co-worker informed me that it's not a good idea to let it run down that low. So I haven't since. I did buy a 3rd party wall charger off ebay for $7. It's a pain to always hook it to the computer, so it's more convenient to charge and travel. I don't think it's a battery issue.
  3. dm_tx

    dm_tx Member

    Oct 20, 2005
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    I did a test and I let it run without touching the IPOD, it will run for about 7 hours. However, any on/off, menu, etc. eats the batt!

  4. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    it sounds like your battery is starting to lose charge

    you may just want to go to a local apple store and replace the battery with a extended life battery it will work better and last longer it cost's about 79.00 for a new battery and most apple computer stores will do it


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