Ipod navigation question

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by cluesess, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. cluesess

    cluesess Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    OK, we bought my daughter an 80 gig Ipod Video for her birthday. I have been working through how to rip DVD's to Ipod format and got my first one done. I put it on her Ipod and found that there is a title menu in my ripped version that I cannot seem to navigate. How do you move up and down on a title menu, or do you leave it out all together when you rip? If you leave it out, what file(s) do you leave out. I ripped with DVD Decrypter, used VOB Merge and then used Videora to convert.
  2. jazo132

    jazo132 Guest

    You should only be ripping the longest file that is on the DVD, which will be the feature itself.
  3. cluesess

    cluesess Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    What about the fact that there are like 4 files that are almost the same size? How do I know what file(s) to use Videora to convert?
  4. jazo132

    jazo132 Guest

    Watch the beginning of each file and see which one is the actual movie itslelf.

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