Ok, my ipod isn't showing up on my computer, in itunes, and i would like it to update. It is connected, is charging through usb port, but it keeps saying do not disconnect. I've reset the ipod which does nothing, and tried to reinstall itunes which also didn't work. When i go to the ipod updater i just downloaded it says to plug in ipod? Also under preferences in itunes it says no ipod connected. I have no idea what to do? -Marty
Which gen of iPod are you using? I recommend you put your iPod into disk mode which forces it to mount. Then you can restore. [bold]Putting iPod into disk mode[/bold] - http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93651
i'm using a video 30gb. I tried setting it into disk mode, but it still says no ipod connected, and everytime I open the updater it freezes.
Well, when you put it into disk mode, try formatting it in 'My computer'. (Right click your iPod in My Computer & Click 'Format'). Then you should be able to update..
I remeber what this happend to me. My problem was the ipod and not the computer. When this happend to me i was useing a 4th gen. (which i assume the problem file as not changed in the 5th gen) For me not even Apple could get it back to working condition. Sent it in for a month. Well enough about my problem, does you IPod display anything strange when you attempt to turn in on?(a folder with a caution sign, etc...) If this is the case, you will NOT be able to fix it by yourself. You will have to send it into apple. (I personaly was lucky, after tell me they had no idea what it was, i called back a week later and they said they tryed to ship it but lost it! Sent me a brand new one)