Hi, I have a 3g 10 gb dock ipod, when i turn it on an apple and a folder with an exclamation point appear. I've already tried fixing it with the help of apple website, but i Just can't. When I try to charge it, the same thing happens, the apple and the folder appear. If i connect the ipod to the pc, it always says: do not disconnect, and when i eject the disc, it says ok to disconnect but then it runs out of battery, and like i said i can't charge it. I tried reseting it but it won't turn on. Somebody please help! Thanks
Hey. Try restoring the iPod using the Apple Updater. Don't forget that restoring the iPod will erase all files on the iPod, so make sure that you have a clean backup on your computer somewhere. Apple Updater: http://www.apple.com/ipod/download/
You see that's another problem when i try to do that on my pc it says: ipod service error. I can't amke that go away!!
Hey my iPod has recently decided it doesn't want to work ! the light is on but the screen is black, and there is a small white square in the top left hand corner. Does anyone know what to do to fix it ? or where i could take it to get it fixed ? Please Help !
You can try to reset it, by pressing the menu and select buttens at the same time, or you can try to restore it, but beware, as this will erase all your data on it and return it back to factory settings. And @ unknown4, if your computer doesnt recignise your iPod(which happened to me), try using the HP USB Storage format tool, I dont know the link for it so you'll have to do some searching but it woks great (supposing you have the same problem that I did)
Hi, thanks for your help but i already fixed my ipod, i found everything i needed right here: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93716 Thanks again!
Hi, i have a 40Gb iPod and for some reason its giving me an error that i havent been able to find i fix for anywhere!!. the thing is that i had to restore it (as i have before) and then it shows me the icon to connect it to the outlet to refresh the film but when i do it doest detect my charger!! iĀ“ve tried it with my friendsĀ“ charger (about 4 diff ones) and it doesnt work. When i connect the ipod to the pc, it wakes up and displays the plug icon but it doesnt detect any charger, therefor it doesnt charge and the plug icon remains in the screen. PLEASE HEEEELP!!! I HAVE DONE ALL I CAN AND HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FIX IT!!
i just bought an ipod from a kid at school but he didn't have the cd installer. does anyone know where i can download a cd installer for a 30gb video ipod