Hiya. I know that restoring an ipod deletes all of the data on it, but does it also wipeout the itunes libary on my computer, because I spent a whole day renaming and categorising the files, and I don't want those name files to be deleted aswell. oh and is there anyway that I can actually see which firmware my ipod is?
No it doesn't affect iTunes in any way, shape or form. Once you have restored your iPod, just update via iTunes, and your library will be transferred back onto your iPod. [edit to add your second query in] On your iPod, go 'settings' then 'about' and it will tell you everything about your iPod... from serial number to total capacity and, more importantly, firmware version ;-)
I was, when I joined back in June/July 2005! Not so much now though. Nice to know there's still a few Brits kicking about the forums.. hope you stick around..
Okay, lets get back on track, I have a little problem when trying to restore my pod. On the tutorial it says: "Open the iPod Software Updater application. It can be found by clicking on the Start menu, pointing to All Programs (Windows XP) or Programs (Windows 2000), and then point to iPod. " But when I go to all programs there isnt any ipod icon there. But there is an ipod folder in the Crogram files folder, but it is just a folder with a bin folder and update folder inside. The update folder has diddily-squat in it (u'll understand that being english!) Also can I just ask, I have an ipod, aswell as my sister, now If I do this stuff, will it effect my sister's ipod if she connects to my comp?
You will have installed the iPod software onto your PC before installing the firmware onto your iPod when you first got your iPod. If you did that correctly, your folders should be set out like mine.. If you don't see this, then reinstall your iPod software from your CD, or alternatively you can dload it from; http://www.apple.com/ipod/download/ It won't, initially. You will get a message (cannot remember the exact wording): "This iPod is currently linked to another computer.. do you wish to link the iPod to this computer instead" ..Just refuse it and it won't update.. Cheers!
safety, it's all restored now, cheers for the help! Btw, just went onto your profile page, and gotta admit I'd do sky from neighbours shes quite fit in a weird sort of way!