I just got an ipod touch 2g 3.1 then i upgrade it to 3.1.2 and i jailbreak it with blackra1n but it fail and my ipod touch can't turn on anymore. i try to restore it by using itune with a 3.1.2 firmware file but when restore; a message appear that ipod "ipod" can't be restore because firmware file is corrupted.pls anyone help me!
yes when i restore it to 3.1.2, while verifying ipod restore with Apple...i can see apple logo on my ipod touch screen but it got stuck there for hour.
thanks now it come back. but now i 1 2 jailbreak this ipod touch 2g 8Gb 3.1.2(7D11) what should i do?
You can use blaclra1n again. I found out that my Itouch is tethered which means if I shut it down I have to use blackra1n to turn it back on, so now I just let it auto shut down and it doesnt need balckra1n. Make sure you have Ituneshelper.exe shut down in task manager when you do use blackra1n.