ok i just bought an ipod video 30gb my problem is, i've used a ton of converters and they all convert it to a mp4 extension which i thought is the one you needed, the thumbnail is is a white page with like a purple camcorder on it(dont know if its the right one for ipod) and i try to drag and drop it into itunes and it i made a custom folder and it give me the little plus sign to add it but it will not add it, i try to drop it into the folders already on the ipod like "music videos" and it wont even give me the option to drop it in there, im so lost i dont know what i'm doing wrong can someone please help me. i havent even tried a dvd conveter i've tried to download the videos from limewiere, can someone help me out lots of thanx
Here is an easy program and FREE. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/free_ipod_video_converter.cfm Make a NEW Folder on your desktop and on the program set this has your destenation file/floder. Once the file has been converted and sent to the folder, itunes will usally open up by itself or just import the file on to itunes.