Hey everyone My problem is that I have a video which is already in mp4 format. I can play it in itunes, but when i try to put it in my ipod, it gives me the message: " The file was not copied to the ipod because it cannot be played on this ipod." But other mp4 files work just fine. It's only this one that's not cooperating... Please help!
i've had this same thing happen to me on my 30GB, anyway it may be that the file name is too long(how this works i don't know but it works), and if that doesn't work trying putting .MP4 on the end of the file name. Hope this helps you.
the porblem you have and this is from my own experience, when the video was encoded was encoded with diffrent resolution that your ipod video can handle, you can use videora to re-encode the video to fit your ipod video and once is done videora will copy the video back into itunes, that should take care of your problem.
That was good advice, that I'll take into consideration in the future, but it doesn't seem to be working right now. I shortened the name and added '.mp4,' but the ipod still won't take it... any other helpful hints? By the way, thanks for trying anyway.
Hopefully it works for you, i had that problem a few days ago with a video i got from the net, it was an mp4 but it coulnt be copy to my ipod same error message you got, i reencoded the video and it worked.
I don't know exactly what is wrong, but videora won't let me open up the video file. When I open the folder that the file is in, it gives me all the videos in the file except for the mp4 videos, which includes the video i want to re-encode. i don't know how to open it, because it also will not let me type in the file name manually. Or copy and paste it in. I'm pretty stumped at this point.
Well, never mind about that last post. I figured out how to get the video to convert. Now I'm just waiting to see if it'll work.