Is it worth getting ? .... I'm thinking of selling my mini to my sis for like 50$ ( canadian ) and buying a Ipod Video w/ my Christmas money
Overall it's pretty good. I would recommend it if u like to watch Video's a lot. If u listen to more music I would reccomend the Nano. The Video's battery doesn't last as long as expected. I know this because I own a black 30gb Video and my sis owns a white one. Just consider these factors. Post back if u have any more questions.
The Nano is pretty nice, but doesn't have the hardrive space the Video does, so you may want to consider that as well. I find my battery life to be pretty good, between 12 and 13 hours with the backlight off. Although other people seem to be having problems...
if you get nething, get the video, for many reasons, the nano's screens crack easier, the video has more storage, so definitly if your a person who listens to lots of music get the video.