ipod won't eject/update/restore

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by twinkee, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. twinkee

    twinkee Guest

    I know you guys probably have gotten hundreds of these threads, i read a few trying to see if any will solve my problem, but none seem to work. Ok heres my problems
    -Ipod Can't Eject It may be in use by other applications
    -When i got to update it with new songs. i get an error that tells me that ipod can't update because file or directory is corrupt or unreadable. also a few times i got ipod_control temp 2 is corrupt please run chkdsk but i dont know how to run that. any help would be greatly appreciated. oh yea i tried to restore it but i get "an unkown error occured(1413).

    thanks guys
  2. heli_slug

    heli_slug Guest

    what ipod software are you using? and i would 1 st have your computer do a divice manager check for new devices. the keep your music in another file. next i would reinstall your soft ware and have it look for your i pod. if you use i tunes you can check the manual tab and do most your self and have it clean the drive and re install the music you want....as far as eject try to eject on the task bar if you know the drive and wait for a safe removal. you might have a virus from a song.or it might be the ipod?
  3. Manaxer

    Manaxer Member

    Dec 12, 2005
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    this may sound like a stupid post, but you can just unplug it only if it is not it the middle of sync-ing songs. i unpugged my ipod when it said not to and nothing happened. its not like its going to erase all your songs in .0005 seconds, ya know? also if you leave it plugged in until you turn off your computer it will automatically shut off.
  4. gunboy3

    gunboy3 Member

    Sep 10, 2006
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    You can run a "error check" by going to Start, click "My Computer" When you see your iPod there, right click it and scroll down to "properties" Left click, go to "Tools" click that and you can then run a check on the device. You actually have two different checks to choose from. Use both.
    Also in Windows if you go to Microsoft's page you will find directions on how to run Check disk utility there. You Start>Run type in cmd. After that, I don't recall what to type, but you can find it on the WWW
    Good luck and let us know what happens. I have had a lot of problems in this department
  5. gunboy3

    gunboy3 Member

    Sep 10, 2006
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    Try loading songs to it on a friend's computer. If it works, then the problem is in your computer somewhere. That is the case for me, as I was able to upload tons of songs without a hitch on a second-party 'puter. So I have to chase out the cooties on my HD.
  6. twinkee

    twinkee Guest

    i deleted itunes and i can eject it just fine through my computer now, i downloaded the trial version of anapod and it works but its not as nice as itunes. i'll use that for now till i can figure out what is really wrong

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