IRDA trouble with my nokia 6220

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by myztic, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. myztic

    myztic Guest

    I just purchased a Kingsun IRDA so that i could connect my phone and computer, I had another infrared device before but i somehow lost it... anyway... I installed everything as it said to but it seems to me that my connection from my phone to my pc drops and then picks back up and then drops again so i can't connect the phone whilst in the program or any other time cuz it loses connection... how do i solve this? i tried uninstalling, reinstalling etc
  2. madbar

    madbar Member

    Jun 12, 2005
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    Have exactly same problem! Kingsun IRDA, Nokia 6610, phone is detected but impossible to transfer anything!
    myztic, any news?
    anyone had same problems? i'm resending the Kingsun, could anyone advice on 'working' irda device?

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