i think mickah suggested deal extreme,try google.if you buy online use paypal,should you have a problem with a supplier they can possibly get your money back for you.read through the threads on here for more info in the (list of all updated threads)or type in dm500s in to the search banner above,see near the top of the screen at the center( search afterdawn forums)in the space to the right of that type in dm500s and click on go to see what advice there is. good luck.
yeah dealextreme do a good deal, as pat metioned in another thread they are clones, but the files are readily available for them. used em before for different things over the years and never had a problem
Ye ill second the lads, I got mine from dvb seller and so far have had no problem,but hearing from a few people they arent the best to deal with if you have a problem. There is a chap in wales who sells them, he is on digital kaos,name supeman,he might be able to sort you out and the fact that its coming from closer to home may mean you will get it quicker then the 3 weeks I was waiting for mine.
Be aware that unless you simply want a dm500s for freesat it will not be much use for else soon. The card swop of sly will implement new security measures shortly that will negate the use of the dreambox. Sad but true. CCCAM is already shot in Italy. Granted OSCAM has succeeded for the moment but thats just for now. New measures are again ready to be rolled out. Likely ECM size will increase to add complexity to the timing associated with dreambox client and server which will mean regular freezing of picture
Ive just seen the responses here,and ive canceled my order with dealextreme so that i can check out the zintek shop in tallaght,ill ring later and hope they have some in stock,getting it closer to home is much better,so thank you all for that