god m bereft. look guys m not a NTL rep, but then when push comes to shove i'm not anti-em either u know? so its good as bought BUT what i'd like to know is a pointer to the exact package.. i had only two pages i actually used - entertainment stations provided by Virgin media, i think, and sport. and can they switch me on almost IMMEDIATELY so i can see Celtic v Arsene? but then if its nag3 the KV won't do it will it.. will have to wait for some other godawful contraption to arrive, and be charged 100 quid for it or some shit.. so whats the deal? as THIS is how we get our stations back.
Sky offers a far superior package/service for similar money, much better quality and you cant beat the plus box
i think we all do. NTL keyword: bereft. they did indeed roll their last dice cos i'd never have considered if i didn't get to experience in the 1st place. cheers