Is a chip-modded xbox the absolutely, ONLY way to play games burned on a dvd-r?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by wsmunch, Sep 26, 2004.

  1. wsmunch

    wsmunch Member

    Sep 26, 2004
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    I read just about every forum topic that I thought would address this question, and it seems that the general answer is yes. But there was mention of chipless methods that required soldering or bios-flashing or something where I wouldn't have to purchase a chip.

    Here's my situation: I have a collection of x-boxes with which I intend to use for multiplayer gaming night and must furnish all the hardware and software. I can't skimp on the controllers, but I can make backup copies of my games to play on each one. The problem is that I can't afford a mod-chip for each box. Is there any solution that would work for me other than saving my pennies for chips?
  2. clarky

    clarky Regular member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    you can tsop flash the xbox. This is known as a softmod. Check out this Link:|#14

    click on tsop

    there is also a whole forum devoted to tsop flashing in the forum section of that same website.
  3. wsmunch

    wsmunch Member

    Sep 26, 2004
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    Oh awesome, you saved me a load of pennies! I ordered a Xenium ICE Solderless to start off my mission and downloaded Evo dashboards, Evo bios, D6, X2 bios, bios manager, qwix, etc.. stuff that sounded like it would be needed, from all the reading I did. I've been re-reading tuts to familiarize myself with the mod process while I'm waiting for my shipment and I have a feeling that I might be doubling up on necessary ingredients. Is there anyone who uses/used this solderless chip that has a recommendation on a dash or bios, or does it not really matter? Among all the different programs to assist with the install are there programs that work particularly better than others?

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