I've tried one from case mate and one from power supply...I really don't like the feel and I always end up with an air bubble or two...usually not at the corners either so it's a bitch to press out. Is the screen very prone to chipping/scratches? I would be keeping it in a cargo pocket without anything else in that pocket.
I think they're definitely necessary. They're cheap, invisible, and give you some nice peace of mind.
hi i work with sand all day and change the cover every 3-4 days without 1 u could'nt read the screen after a week
You beat me in posting this question. I wanted to know the same thing would you get less touch response if the protector is on a htc touch.
u wont get less touch response from any touch screen phones. I've installed quite a few screen protectors on the Iphones and touch response was the same! Screen protectors are a very cheap and effective way of protecting the screen from scratches, although some people i've come across thinks it also prevent the LCD/screen from cracking/breaking.... lol Good investment in my opinion, and I've been a cellphone technician for the past 5 years, and I wouldn't BS anyone