please read this thread then the other previous one for my issues. if you are on a laptop and are doing this successfully please help me before i drop kick my screen? lol
You need to give details of your laptop i.e. OS and processor, drives etc. Are you saying you are trying to run a DVD burner via a USB link? Not sure you can do that.
my info is on the previous thread. anyway here goes again i have a hp laptop xp 2.0,512,40 with burner on a 2.0 usb pmcia card. it does everything but write???
When burning you must make sure that no other application is running at the same time, including your web browser. Not sure what the pmcia card is? Have you spoken with the place you bought the burner from? What burning rom are you using?
thanks but i tried that already. its pcmcia card which installs into a slot on a laptop to connect. like a wireless network card. my burner is a tdk and im thinking maybe firewire connection would work or ill be forced to call tdk and see if it can be done on a laptop.
I have an co worker who uses his laptop with an external drive via a Firewire 1394 he never tried it with USB maybe thats the ticket.
thanks for all your help but i figured it out with tdk tech support. for all you laptop users that are more than 2 years old you must update your cpu at your companys website. for example mine is hewlett packard and the reason why is dvd burning started this past year and older cpu's dont have the new files compatable for dvd burning communication. so using a desk top or laptop doesnt matter but usb is a little faster.