Well njow I do realize that this is a forum and the amount of posts you do lets you "change" titles, but, just the whole Newb thing....I'm quite the gamer and all and when playing online FPS, or others the title Newb is the biggest insult you can throw around. It's Just a suggestion but for future reference maybe After Dawn can possibly think of something less degrading, hell I'd rather be called Whore than Newb
it's only degrading because of the connotations created by jackasses out there that are apparently elite at everything the first time they try it.
this topic has been talked over so many times. and no matter how many people say they dont like it, i dont really think dRD is gonna take the time to change it. i think that there should be a thread stickied saying something to the affect that the newbie title is staying the way it is. no disrespect to anyone intended of course. and of course i could be all wrong, dRD could be changing this as i type, but i doubt it. just my 2 cents.
this fellow In_Chains has a right to his opinion.. i tend to some-what agree with him.. i never liked the title newbie..and that was back in 2002..when i made that statement to drd.. but this is drd's site..,
im not saying that In_Chains doesnt have a right to his opinion. all im doing is stating my own. *edit* very sorry if it came across as anything else.
Polyarny,no offense taken.. and ye have a right to your opinion, on my site there called new-member's.
Well I've been a gaming since the good ol days of the original Nintendo, Coleco Vision and The Atari 7800 (started when I was 3-4 years old), so I've been playing for almost 17 years now, but I understand that the creator of this site meant no harm in the title newbie. Unfortunately assclown have turned that name in to a degrating title for new gamers. Such a Shame
nah, i personally think titles are junk, it's all about what ppl type that's important. Even i'm the equivalent of noob or junior on some work-related techie sites and it doesn't bother me in the least. I may not be old enough to appear in the Bible but i've been around computers a fair few years and titles mean not a fig really.
All newbie means is that your new to the site, I understand where your comming from, I totally agree with you infact, when I was a Newbie sometime last year I thought the same.. "New-Member" would be just great.
...... not to call anyone obtuse but are people that concerned with words?... I play a few games on live and sonyonline and people throw the word newb around... you know why that word is so "condisending" to the people its thrown at? Because if you are enough offended in being called a name like that...then you most likely deserve the pain it causes you.... no offense to anyone in this thread that's just my two cents... ps.. sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll be damned if words will ever hurt me... pps.. get over it
Yeah, it didn't bother me but then again, I'm an old fart and being called a noob makes me feel sixteen again lol! The content of this site is so vast that in one forum or another, we're all noobs in one area or another.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia more common spelling variations ("newb", "knob" , "nub", "noob", "no0b", "n00b", "nib", "nibblins", "Frodo Nibblins","fruity noob", "newblet(s)", "nub sauce", "nubz", "nubcakes", "nublich", "nab", "naab", and "nublets") in an attempt to reduce flame wars. This has, of course, led to more variations, such as "s00b", "ch00b", "fr00b" and "gl00b". It has also led to numerous character-swap versions such as "n()()b" and "n|_|b", both of which are used to bypass a swear filter. A newbie (Leet: n00b) is a newcomer to a particular field, the term being commonly used on the Internet, where it might refer to new, inexperienced, or ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the Internet itself. The term is generally regarded as an insult, although in many cases more experienced/knowledgeable people use it in purposes of negative reinforcement, urging "newbies" to learn more about the field or area in question. Variant spellings, such as newb, noob, and, in Leetspeak, n00b are numerous and common in Internet use. The term newbie itself is usually used to refer to a person who is new to the field in question, whereas n00b is used as an insult. read more here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noob cheers
garry1 what i am saying i post in ie,serf the site in firefox what i posted in ie does not show up in firefox untill like 3 min later..
Well I don't think the title or term Newbie ! is meant with disrespect. I was not offended by it when I first started Dvd'ing & was lucky enough to find this Organization Afterdawn.com ! I have found 99.999 % of my associations with fellow members helpful , pleasant, and sometimes down right amusing ! It has also saved me time, frustration & money in wasted media that I did'nt waste because someone else more knowledgeable than myself had already been there & done that & solved the problem already ! You can learn something from anyone ! no matter their title or station ! either here or even everyday life ! The key is keeping an open mind and wanting to learn ! Also a small dose of humility does'nt hurt either! Perhaps the term/title NEWBIE! is just being misunderstood ! like the word Ignorant ! many people see the word and think it means Stupidity ! when all it really means ! is I don't know ! and everyone is ignorant of something & there is no shame in that ! There are countless things I don't know ! & I learn more everyday ! from everyone from first time posters to old hands at the dvd game ! Each bringing different talents ,experiences & points of view to this place ! Which is what makes Afterdawn.com such a great community . To our New friends Don't take the Term newbie as a insult ! It is not ! and not meant to be atleast here ! Afterdawn.com memebers are & have been some of the most respectful & honorable people I have ever met online ! Just hang in there and help when you can ! and have fun that's the point of any hobby anyway right? Doing something you enjoy ! Don't worry be happy ! Sorry for being so long winded - Peace & happy Burning ! & learning!
I thik the title noob is rather intersting. Being A+, cisco ccna and MCP i kinda like being called a noob.Its funny