Hi all, Well Im running windows Vista Ultimate and it seems that evn if my computer is idle, if i look in the task manager the RAM being used is always between 65-70%, surely this cannot be the norm, but I cannot see anything which might be eatin the RAM up, so im a bit confused, Can anyone shed any light on this small conundrum? Thanks, Methtical
its not just you. everyone i have talked to has had that problem w/ vista. mine runs at about 45%. Tyler
Possible explanation here. http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000688.html Thing is I have 1GB RAM, and to be hoenst Vista runs very nice and smooth indeed, so i guess it doesnt really matter that its always at ~70% if it means then that my system runs smooth, but I do wonder if I bought another 1GB RAM, would it then just chew up 70% of that, and would I really therefore notice a difference??
alright, so i was talking w/ my buddy at work today. he is also running vista w/ 1GB of ram just like both of us. he has noticed the same thing. he also mentioned that vista automatically loads frequently used programs. even if it isnt running them. it does that so things will load quicker. this would explain why it always seems to be draining so much ram. Tyler