Hi there, When you burn to a CD-R, you can close the session but DON'T close the disk. This will let you ADD stuff to it later, but you cannot re-use the portion of the disk already burned. When you add, everything that was on it, plus what you just added will be available to you. When you close the disk, you tell the burner to set the CD-R to 0 bytes free, so even if you burn just 50 Mbytes on it, you will no longer be able to burn/add stuff to it ! Using CD-RW media let's you erase the whole content of the media and can be reused in it's totality.
@ bss000 nearly all writing software will let you do that, i think even the one built into Windows Xp allows this ive seen the option somewhere
Really you can add stuff to an already burnt [bold]CD-R[/bold]?? Then pls tell me how to do this with Nero?