Is it Possible to make custom DVDs with ipod copies in them(ala FOX DVDs)

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by SoloSL203, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. SoloSL203

    SoloSL203 Member

    Dec 24, 2004
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    I have tried searching for this, but just having DVD and ipod in my search just gives me a million results that dont help me. Currently me and my friends are making a local music magazine DVD and I wanted to put a new twist for our distribution. So with it having to do with music and our target audience would be young tech savvy crowd, i would like to take a page from FOX and see if it would be possible to make a DVD that play justs like regular dvds on DVD players but also have pre-encoded digital version for ipods and possibly psp right on the disc. I myself haven't seen how well its implemented on the Family Guy: Blue Harvest(the first DVD to offer ipod versions). Is it as simple as dragging the files to the disc before the DVD gets finalized or is it a little more complex than that. My burner on this computer has died, so i cant test it out.

    One more thing, would it be possible to implement a wizard of some sort that autoplays when loaded onto a PC simplify the process of adding the file to iTunes for those who arent so tech-savvy
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    As long as there is space on the disk, a hybrid DVD can be created by using Nero Burning ROM to copy the VIDEO_TS folder then whatever other data that was required.

    IMGBurn can also be used.
    First the VIDEO_TS folder is selected then the other files - similar to Nero.

    The DVD plays as normal on the standalone player or the disk opened on the PC and files selected as required.

    I don't know about the 'autoplay' question.

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